Step Up Your Childcare:
Top 5 Positive Discipline Principles for Teaching Social and Emotional Skills.
Join Danielle Taylor, Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator and Early Childhood Educator.
Just take it… please. ;)
Step Up Your Childcare: 5 Principles to Positive Discipline for Teaching Social and Emotional Skills is for you if…
1 If you're curious about what Positive Discipline looks like in action.
2 If you're tired of power struggles & coming up with consequences.
3 If you're ready for a new perspective on misbehavior.
▶︎ Rather just listen to our conversation? Check it out from the Be The Best Nanny Boss Ever Podcast.
Presented by
Carrie Kaczmarek Bland
Meet Danielle Taylor
Danielle Taylor is a Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator and Certified Positive Discipline Early Childhood Educator. She has over 15 years of experience working with children in various capacities, previously as a classroom teacher and currently as a nanny. Danielle is a passionate life-long learner and was a top five finalist for the International Nanny Association’s 2023 Nanny of the Year. She has earned her Nanny Credential from the INA & Nanny and Childcare Provider (NCP) Certification from the USNA. Danielle enjoys sharing Positive Discipline tips and tools with other childcare professionals.